Monday, May 14, 2012

Easter Eggs

We decided to dye Easter eggs the week before Easter because Easter weekend was going to be crazy busy with Trent's wedding and all. I'm still waiting to see pictures from the wedding so I can post some....
Zeke loves dying Easter eggs and especially loved having the extra people around to do it with.

 In case you didn't know, Porter is obsessed with stickers. The rules at our house are that stickers can only go on people. (It's my attempt at keeping them off the furniture and floor. Working well so far.) Janiece and Connor were the targets of Porter's stickers this night.
 Kendra and some friends came up for a break before the crazy week before finals began.
 Every year we have a contest to see whose paper towel gets the most colorful. Janiece won this one hands down. The picture really doesn't do it justice.

In case you can't read it, the egg says: Trent + Jessica

Porter does this face whenever you tell him to do his scrunchy face. Finally we got a picture of it!

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